What is this site about?
and who is Sylvia?
“Sylvia, I can see that you enjoy seeing the world in a thoughtful and reflective manner. You have a keen eye for surreal colour combinations and beauty in the everyday. You observe extraordinary simplicity where most of us would walk past without noticing. You make us realise that perhaps we don’t look up enough in our daily lives."
I write, direct and design with enthusiasm and vigour. I have open ended projects suggesting a journey of discovery with nothing excluded and all options on the table.
My background is writing, then more writing. Photographing, Theatre making (with a strong accent on design). I expect myself in the nearby future to continue making interesting combinations of all of those things.
I love creating story worlds in collaborative art forms.
I love to create a sense of wonder.

Artistic Statement
"Take the universe. And synthesise those things that speak directly to your soul."
A bit of Life Story
As a little girl, I was quite dreamy. I liked to make my own worlds, inviting everyone to join my play and imagination.
I had a dollhouse, without dolls. I imagined living there as a miniature version of myself and I decorated it with many plants made of clay.
I come from a family of photographers and filmmakers from the time of super 8 and slide projections on the white wall at our house. Cartoons were projected at birthday children´s parties. And on vacations we had so much material that it took us a year to glue it all together just in time for our next trip abroad. With the family we travelled to France, Belgium, UK, Germany, and Switzerland for camping and exploring the region.
At school, teachers didn't get much height from me because I was dreamy, but my worksheets were often delivered without any mistakes.
I didn't find my High School very interesting, then I studied Economics, to start earning the big money. But mostly to take on the adventure of working life. I went to live in London. I discovered the world is so much bigger and the opportunities endless, I grew an appetite for food and studies and literally followed that trail to Wageningen university to study food technology.
Feelings pass, events pass, and perspectives from people including yourself are fluid.
People who work with me mention:
You have a great sense of humour
A strong will and determination, yet flexible to reach your goal
You are a strong thinker and analyse everything
You are sensitive to emotions and yet stay so calm in conflict
You are a colourful person, with a lot of energy
Sustain us
They connect us
in good times,
and in bad.
They define us
in the past, present,
and future.
Make your Mark,
Paint your Picture,
and hang it on the collective wall.
The world is watching.