O, how some Shakespeare lovers would.....KILL me.
Have fun. And do not be mad on me please, be nice. You know you will regret it - if you take anger out on others - it always backfires.
Go Shakespeare!
The above picture is an ICED Romeo and Juliet. To me a nice example on how a lot of liberty can be taken using Shakespeare. It is remarkable to me you can make something appealing, something completely out of context and new - and with respect.
If you are an ice sculpturer you can do this!
Then why not be an ice sculpturer? Or a photographer.
Use colours. Use Dutch angles. Have some fun.
I took the following plays from Shakespeare and as an ice sculpturer made ONE-ACT plays for 2 characters out of it.
Romeo and Juliet
Much Ado About Nothing
The Tempest
These ONE-ACTS are published on NPX or available to be used in workshops or any collaborative project.